This bond is polar, but again, as I alluded to earlier, because the carbon is centered in the tetrahedron, because of the sp3 hybridization, the molecule itself is symmetric and nonpolar. 这个键是非极性的,但是,我们断言过早,因为C是中心原子,由于sp3杂化,这个分子本身是非极性的且对称的。
Symmetric disposition of polar bonds still results in a nonpolar molecule. 空间对称的极性键分布,还是会导致整个分子为非极性分子。
A molecule where the centers do not coincide is called a polar molecule. 正负电荷中心不重合的分子称为极性分子。
Quantum chemical studies of atomic polar and axial tensors in molecule 分子中原子极化和轴向张量的量子化学研究
The zeolite has been often utilized as the gas sensing material for its molecular sieving properties, but there is seldom report on nerve gas detection based on this material because the never gas is the strong polar molecule. 分子筛材料因为具有选择性吸附分子的能力常被用来作为气体敏感材料,但因为其神经类气体极性较强,被吸附后难于解吸附,因此,分子筛材料很少用于检测神经类气体。
Crystal faces of kaolinite are combined by hydrogen bond and th'ose of illite are combined by K "1" ion. This kind of combination is relatively stronger but the soil will soften for the minerals have excessive negative charge, which lead to adsorption polar water molecule. 高岭石晶面是氢键联结,伊利石晶面之间是K~+离子联结,联结性较强,但因粘土矿物本身带有过量负电荷,也会吸附极性水分子而造成土质软化。
And thus the formula of < cos θ>, which expresses the ordered degree of electric moment of polar molecule in field direction, is calculated. Therefore, a conclusion can be drawn that the ordered degree of electric moment is very little. 通过计算,得出极性分子永久极矩沿外场方向有序排列的表达式,并得到永久极矩沿外场方向排列的有序程度很小的结论。
The polarized degree of polar molecule is studied based on the classic statistic law and semi_quantitative, method. 运用半定量半定性研究方法,依据经典统计规律对极性分子的极化程度作了研究。
A research on ordered degree of electric moment of polar molecule in field direction 极性分子电矩沿外场方向排列有序程度的研究
Almost all polar and charged groups of the A-chain and B-chain of insulin are bound to water molecules, except those which have already formed donor-receptor couples with hydrogen bonds or salt linkages and those which are inaccessibly inside the molecule. 胰岛素分子A、B链各氨基酸残基的极性和荷电基团,除已经彼此以氢键或盐键形成给体-受体配偶者和处于分子内部者外,其余几乎都与水分子相结合。
The quenching efficiency of the polar molecule, CO, is larger than other molecules, such as the: isoelectronic molecule, N_2, showing that intermolecular dipole-induced dipole interaction may play an important role in enhancing the molecular quenching. 极性分子CO与I2碰撞的猝灭效率较非极性分子(如与之等电子的N2)大,表明分子间偶极-诱导偶极相互作用对促进分子反应起着不可忽视的作用。
Effects of Polar Organic Molecule Dopants on Physical Properties of TGS Single Crystals 有机极性分子掺杂剂对TGS单晶物理性能的影响
Water molecule is polar molecule, and electric dipole interaction exiting among water molecules leads to water group configuration which is a dynamic combination by hydrogen chemical bond, Water molecule will bring tropism polarity in the microwave field. 水分子是极性分子,水分子之间存在的电偶极相互作用,使它们以氢键的形式相互偶联在一起,形成水的团簇结构,且这种结构是一种动态结合。
The reasons that fluorescence spectrum of coumarin 1 is very sensitive to environmental polar change were discussed based on solvent solute molecule hydrogen bond and its effects on formation of nonradiative twisted intramolecular charge transfer ( TICT) state for the fluorescence probe. 通过溶剂-溶质分子间氢键作用及对其非荧光性的TICT态形成的影响,讨论了这种荧光探针的荧光光谱对环境极性非常敏感的原因。
The isotherm of lycopene at air-water interface did not show characteristics of solid-film even for the molecular area up to 0.1? nm~ 2, for lack of any polar group in its molecule. 由于番茄红素缺乏极性基团,它在空气-水界面上铺展的π-A曲线中,即使在分子面积达到0.1nm2时也没有出现固态膜的特征。
The apparent height of a single Gd@ C82is much lower than its geometry diameter because of the dipolar interactions between polar surface potential of FeO film and the polar molecule Gd@ C82. FeO薄膜极性表面势与极性Gd@C82分子之间的偶极相互作用导致单个Gd@C82分子的表观高度远小于其几何直径。